Legislation & Reports
All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Eating Disorders
Breaking the Cycle: An Inquiry into Eating Disorder Research Funding in the UK
A report investigating investment in eating disorder research in the UK has been published. The ‘Breaking the Cycle’ report, compiled by Beat on behalf of the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Eating Disorders sets out the findings and recommendations from the APPG’s inquiry into research funding, conducted from December 2020 to Spring 2021.
Who is it for
- Commissioners
- Service providers
- Clinicians
- Services users and their families
Age group
- Children and Young People
- Adults and Older People
Type of content (legislation or report)
- Report
Date of publication
Published September 2021
Department of Health and Social Care
Improving the Physical Health of People with Mental Health Problems: Actions for Mental Health Nurses
This resource is for mental health nurses, wherever they work, to take positive action to improve the physical health of people living with mental health problems.
Who is it for
Registered mental health nurses; Directors of mental health nursing; Staff working in
mental health and social care services; Lecturers and those who deliver professional training.
Age group
- Children and Young People
- Adults and Older People
Type of content (legislation or report)
- Report
Date of publication
May 2016
Mental Health Act 1983: Code of Practice
The Mental Health Act is a law about detaining and treating people with a mental disorder in England and Wales.
The Code of Practice explains the law and tells people and services what they must do. It helps patients get the right treatment, care and support when they are treated under the Mental Health Act.
Select here for the EASY READ version
Who is it for
This Code of Practice provides statutory guidance to registered medical practitioners, approved clinicians, managers and staff of providers, and approved mental health professionals on how they should carry out functions under the Mental Health Act (‘the Act’) in practice.
Age group
- Children and Young People
- Adults and Older People
Type of content (legislation or report)
- Legislation
Date of publication
Statutory Guidance on Joint Strategic Needs Assessments and Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategies
The Health and Social Care Act 2012 (‘the Act’) amends the Local Government and Public
Involvement in Health Act 2007 (’the 2007 Act’) to introduce duties and powers for health and wellbeing boards in relation to Joint Strategic Needs Assessments (JSNAs) and Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategies (JHWSs).
This statutory guidance explains the duties and powers relating to JSNAs and JHWSs. This guidance does not cover the wider membership of health and wellbeing boards, or what services should be commissioned in response to local JSNA findings and JHWS priorities – these decisions need to be made locally, depending on circumstances, and subject to duties to have regard to the relevant JSNAs and JHWSs.
Who is it for
- Students
Age group
- Children and Young People
- Adults and Older People
Type of content (legislation or report)
- Legislation
Date of publication
April 2012
Government Legislation
Mental Capacity Act 2005
The Mental Capacity Act 2005 covers people in England and Wales who can’t make some or all decisions for themselves. The ability to understand and make a decision when it needs to be made is called ‘mental capacity’.
Who is it for
- Students
Age group
- Children and Young People
- Adults and Older People
Type of content (legislation or report)
- Legislation
Date of publication
First Published 2005, Latest review May 2021
Mental Capacity Act: Making Decisions
This collection of documents is on how to make decisions under the Mental Capacity Act 2005.
People working with or caring for adults who lack capacity to make decisions for themselves have a legal duty to consider the Code of Practice.
People working with or caring for adults who lack capacity to make decisions for themselves have a legal duty to consider the Code of Practice.
Who is it for
- People working with or caring for adults who lack capacity to make decisions
Age group
- Children and Young People
- Adults and Older People
Type of content (legislation or report)
- Legislation
Date of publication
Various dates
LGBT Action Plan
- The cross-Government LGBT action plan, published by the Government Equalities Office, sets out
how the Government will improve the lives of LGBT people.
Age group
- Children and Young People
- Adults and Older People
Type of content (legislation or report)
- Action Plan
Date of publication
July 2018
Office for Health Improvement and Disparities
Children & Young People's Mental Health & Wellbeing Profiling Tool
It has been developed to support an intelligence driven approach to understanding and meeting need
Identification of need, protective factors, primary prevention: adversity, primary intervention: vulnerabiliity, services, exploring inequality
Who is it for
- Commissioners
- Service providers
- Clinicians
- Services users and their families
Age group
- Children and Young People
- Adults and Older People
Type of content (legislation or report)
- Legislation
Date of publication
First Published 2005, Latest review May 2021
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
Ignoring the Alarms: How NHS Eating Disorder Services are Failing Patients
Ombudsman report that came out of a complaint by Mr Nic Hart about the care and treatment provided for his 19 year old daughter, Averil, by four NHS organisations.
Mr Hart also complained about how those organisations, a local Clinical Commissioning Group and NHS England handled his complaint about what happened to Averil.
The ombudsman found that all the NHS organisations involved in Averil’s care and treatment between her discharge from hospital on 2 August 2012 and her tragic death five months later on 15 December failed her in some way. They also found her deterioration and death were avoidable.
Who is it for
- Commissioners
- Service providers
- Clinicians
- Services users and their families
Age group
- Children and Young People
- Adults and Older People
Type of content (legislation or report)
- Report
Date of publication
Published December 2017
'Short-changed' report into funding for children and young people’s eating disorder services in England
A report investigating funding for children and young people’s eating disorder services in England has been published today. The “Short-Changed” report, compiled by Beat on behalf of the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on eating disorders, follows the promising step in 2019/20 when NHS England gave Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) an extra £11m of funding for children and young people’s community eating disorder services (so increasing the total additional funding allocated for these services from £30m to £41m). The report shows that this increase in funding did not reach frontline services. Many CCGs spent only a fraction of the extra funding – collectively, spending on children and young people’s community eating disorder services was just £1.1 million more in 2019/20 than in 2018/19. In other words, 90% of the total additional funding did not reach the services it was pledged to.
Who is it for
- Commissioners
- Service providers
- Clinicians
- Services users and their families
Age group
- Children and Young People
Type of content (legislation or report)
- Report
Date of publication
Published May 2021
How To Protect Children's Rights With The UN Convention On The Rights Of The Child
The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is the basis of all of Unicef's work. It is the most complete statement of children’s rights ever produced and is the most widely-ratified international human rights treaty in history.
The Convention has 54 articles that cover all aspects of a child’s life and set out the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights that all children everywhere are entitled to. It also explains how adults and governments must work together to make sure all children can enjoy all their rights.
Who is it for
- Universal Audience
Age group
- Children and Young People
Type of content (legislation or report)
- Legislation
Date of publication
Drafted 1989. The Convention came into force in the UK in 1992.
Collated list of the above resources
Resource List
Department of Health and Social Care
- Improving the Physical Health of People with Mental Health Problems: Actions for Mental Health Nurses
- Mental Health 1983: Code of Practice
- Statutory Guidance on Joint Strategic Needs Assessments and Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategies
Office of Health Improvement and Disparities
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Eating Disorders
This document provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this document, or in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment.
If you or any other person has a medical concern, you should consult with your healthcare provider or seek other professional medical treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something that you have read in this document or in any linked materials. If you think you may have an emergency, call an appropriate source of help and support such as your doctor or emergency services immediately.
MindEd is created by a group of organisations and is funded by NHS England, the Department of Health and Social Care and the Department for Education.
© 2023 NHS England, MindEd Programme