Who Are The Target Audiences - Staff Groups?

  1. Staff across mental health - especially inpatient care-reflective practice, shared decision making, therapeutic care at all levels
  2. AMHPs - improve clarity of training requirements and professional regulation standards
  3. Section 12 approved Drs and AMHPs - improve capacity, availability and link to new legislation
  4. Ambulances, emergency services, paramedics - note this includes A&E hospital MH liaison links - expand ambulance paramedic MH training
  5. Cultural competence (Whole workforce)- better knowledge and empathic delivery - culturally linked factors
  6. Advocates - better training needed
  7. Mental Health Workforce - therapeutic risk taking - reset training balance from risk to therapeutic risk goals
  8. Hospital Managers and Associate Hospital Manager (AMHs) - deliver standardized training ongoing including general MH training and knowledge of NICE standards
  9. Mental Health Act Tribunal Members - links to MOJ/HM Courts Tribunals - train members in specialisms: CYP, forensic, learning disability, autism, older people: cultural competence
  10. Children and Young People Services - training in understanding capacity and competence


This document provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this document, or in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment.

If you or any other person has a medical concern, you should consult with your healthcare provider or seek other professional medical treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something that you have read in this document or in any linked materials. If you think you may have an emergency, call an appropriate source of help and support such as your doctor or emergency services immediately.

MindEd is created by a group of organisations and is funded by NHS England, the Department of Health and Social Care and the Department for Education.

© 2023 NHS England, MindEd Programme 

e-Learning for Healthcare